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Do you need procurement automation?
APS SMART is a system for procurement process automation at the enterprise

Procurement management of the company, enterprise or organization is one of the most significant processes. The efficiency and quality of its implementation greatly affect business competitive power and its financial situation. As for today procurement is becoming one of the strategic functions in operating activities of any company and occupies a key position in the chain of creating value for your clients. Procurement automation brings in substantial contribution to up build optimal operating model of the enterprise.
The companies which have already started automation of their procurement processes create an integrated information procurement system and data base. At this they gain evident competitive advantage at fast fluctuating markets. Just they can manage risks more promptly and effectively and respond to new market challenges.

As leaders in IT-systems for procurement automation we perfectly realize the most significant and relevant challenges for the development and enhancement of our clients” business. Just for this reason we provide our partners with services on implementation of procurement automation complex system as well as offer provide expertise in the field procurement activity optimization to gain maximum economic effect.

Realization of our project may include the necessary consulting, audit and procurement processes transformation, purchasing agents professional training, performance control of cooperation effectiveness key data.


The main task of APS SMART system is to create a unified info media for all stages and processes of the company’s procurement activity starting from prediction of needs to supplies acceptance and records both inside the company and while working with external counteragent suppliers.

Full automation and control of the business process of procurement at the enterprise is ensured by the integrated work of all modules of the system: bid management, tenders / reductions, contracts and supplies.

Thus, the system ensures effective interaction of all departments involved in the procurement processes: accounting, warehouse, legal, security teams, and the like.


Modular system provides flexible customization of working processes models according to company’s internal policy and procedures which makes this system universal for any business. At this the system serves as consolidator of all information flows data and has the feasibility to automatically generate analytics and reporting in various viewpoints.
Every module standardizes procedures and simplifies interaction and control at one of the stages of procurement process. Besides, separate modules ensure operation in “single window” with separate access to documents, integration with accounting systems of the enterprise and the feasibility of independent administering of the system.

System main advantages


with predicted and proved effectiveness


for the whole procurement process from the claim to the order and acceptance


and guaranteed result


  • The possibility of centralization and consolidation of purchases, taking into account the full cycle of purchases.
  • More than 16 work modules with the help of which the procurement life cycle process is fully controlled.
  • Implementation of full automation of the procurement chain: Analytics – Purchase budget – Purchase plan – Application – Warehouse control – Tender – Auction – Contract – Order-Acceptance – Delivery control – Payment control – API (integration).
  • ERP level architecture.
  • Working with a single item and linking to the customer’s listing guide.
  • Flexible negotiation and routing models with messages to users. Used in all modules of the system.
  • The possibility of placing the system both on the customer’s server and in the cloud.
  • Possibility of coordination in the system of documents with suppliers in a separate Cabinet of the Supplier (contracts, orders, etc.).
  • Electronic document management. KES (electronic signature).


  • Support for multi-level classification (nomenclature groups) in the nomenclature reference book (up to 5 levels).
  • Application consolidation settings according to industry, group, subgroups; automatic selection of the request approval model; analytics.
  • Availability of a reference book of evaluation criteria associated with the nomenclature reference book.
  • Selection from the directory of the necessary nomenclature items according to the already completed evaluation criteria (methodology “accumulated experience”) – significantly reduces the buyer’s time to prepare tenders.
  • The presence of a link between the internal regulatory directory and the CPV directory.
  • Possibility for the customer to work in the system with the corporate stock list directory, and for suppliers to search for the customer’s trading procedures using the CPV directory, which is more unified for the market.


  • Automatic consolidation of purchasing volumes with any level of the organizational hierarchy allows you to achieve greater savings in purchasing volumes.
  • Automatic creation of tenders for applications (in “1 click”) significantly speeds up the procurement process.
  • Possibility to create a Purchase Order from a Purchase Order, the formation of an automatic purchase from already selected suppliers.


  • Flexible adjustment of the reduction with no restrictions on the time of trading, subject to the activity of suppliers.
  • The opportunity to get big savings due to an unlimited number of price bids.
  • Multi-round reduction (taking into account the transfer of data from previous stages).
  • Multi-position reduction (simultaneous trading in several positions (goods) within one reduction session).
  • Multi-factor reduction (taking into account multi-position and full automatic calculation of a complex score (price, delay, guarantee, etc.).
  • For a number of purchases, the possibility of replacing the traditional tender to significantly reduce the resource and time of the purchase.


  • The ability to flexibly implement any tender configuration necessary for the purchaser (“as in life”).
  • Support for a 3-level structure of criteria: common for the entire tender, for a lot, for individual positions.
  • Significant time reduction:
    – to conduct complex tenders (by reducing the number of tenders and their stages).
    – the labor costs of the purchaser when preparing the tender and the supplier when entering data due to the application of the level of general criteria (recurring criteria for positions are entered once).
  • Multi-lot tender. The ability to create any number of lots in the tender with any number of positions in the lot.
  • Multi-tour support with data transfer (prices, responses by supplier positions, etc.) from previous stages and multi-position support.
  • The ability to conduct any tender with an unlimited number of rounds and the choice of the required procurement procedure in the new round.
  • Significant time savings for the purchaser, if necessary, to conduct an additional round in the tender.
  • Support for automatic selection of the tender model depending on the industry and procurement budget.
  • Various types of tenders and procurement tools – purchases at a “present value”, purchases “from a single source of supply”, “eternal” tender (sourcing), automatic calculation of TCO (Total cost of ownership), etc.
  • Choice of matching model (list and sequence of matching), distribution of criteria groups.
  • Safety and reliability of involving all the employees necessary for approval during the purchase.
  • Specialized services for the search and intelligent selection of suppliers for specific customer purchases (using APS, Prozorro, Google business environment data).


  • Automatic creation of a contract / order based on the result of the tender.
  • Support for any type of contracts (framework, specifications, etc.).
  • Support for contract templates.
  • Flexible contract/order negotiation model, including electronic signature.
  • Possibility to coordinate contracts/orders with contractors, including electronic signature.
  • Electronic supply calendar with the possibility of their confirmations from contractors.

Analysis and evaluation of proposals

  • Fully automatic complex evaluation, calculation of rating and selection of suppliers based on the criteria-point system of evaluation (qualification, technical, financial criteria).
  • Automatic selection of the best combined solution (selection of the best combined offer by the ratio: best offer / minimum number of suppliers).
  • Retrospective reference information on purchases: cost, conditions, suppliers.
  • Automatic distribution of purchase volumes between tender winners.
  • Calculation of the choice of supplier, taking into account the optimal supply conditions (delivery along the route).

Analytics, reporting

  • Automatic comprehensive reporting and analytics of purchases in any context of the company, departments, personnel, categories, periods, etc.
  • Buyer KPIs.

Supplier management

  • The module allows you to conduct an operational assessment of the activities of suppliers, determine the risks of interaction with them, as well as the degree of their impact on the customer’s business, helps build interaction in a strategic plan.
  • category management. Matrix Kralich.
  • Prequalification of suppliers, integration with counterparty verification services (Youcontrol, Opendatabot).
  • Online survey of suppliers.
  • Coordination of procurement procedures in the Telegram messenger.

Mobile applications APS Mobile

For the Supplier:

  • APS Supplier. Submission of proposals by suppliers from a mobile device.

For the Customer:

  • APS Buyer. Carrying out / coordinating purchases, working with tasks, counterparty cards.


  • Possibility of bilateral integration with ERP accounting systems (SAP, Oracle, Microsoft, 1C, export/import to/from Excel, etc.). API.
  • Integration with various directories of the customer, including through the Active directory.
  • Integrate requisition with inventory to avoid unnecessary purchases.
  • Ability to integrate with other third-party systems and web services.

APS SMART implementation solves business key task:


SRM APS SMART is a universal

tool for any industry and business size internationally

Implementation benefits

Cost cutting
on the account of:

  • Reduction in value on competitive categories
  • Working processes automation
  • Improvements in turnover of goods and over stock and out stock minimization

Cutting time
of working processes

  • Application campaign from 50%
  • Procurement request for proposals - 90%
  • Entering into contracts - 70%

in the quality of processes

  • Unified form of application form for inner customers
  • Dilated qualification of suppliers
  • 100% conformance to information: delivery-bidding-contract

  • Improvement of financial indices
  • Increase of business competitiveness
  • New products enhancement process for entering the market and innovations
  • Enlargement of access to high technologies
  • Business quality and risks effective management
  • Reduction of business losses at the expense of lowering corruption level during procurement
  • Increase in business operating indices
  • Operating efficiency increase on the account of procurement function high level automation
  • Procurement process and document flow quality improvement by creating a unified intelligence system of procurement and data base
  • Substantial increase in KPI, trustworthy substantiation of purchase agents’ remuneration
  • On-line analytics and reporting, time cutting for managerial solutions preparation and decision- making
  • Enlargement of access to high technologies and products, new suppliers, alternative offers and innovations in the market
  • Effective cooperation with counteragents and inner customers

would you like to know

saving potential of your enterprise from procurement automation?

Industry solutions:

Agricultural sector,
grain trading
Food production
Construction, services
and materials
Financial sector
Heavy and mineral resource industries
Retail and Mass consumption services

Telecommunication and communication

Public sector

Consulting and expertise

We professionalize in procurement effective management, procurement process consulting and development of procurement management intelligence systems. APS SMART implementation process is set up starting from expertise and assessment of expected effectiveness. This process passes stepwise:


Would you like to receive

a real result of procurement efficiency and quality rise?

First of all, there should be an external audit and expertise, then – automation!

Our clients

lifecell logo
KERNEL Group of Company
TM Morshynska
Nova poshta LLC
«Globino» Group of Companies
Corum Group
Kingsmak («Viktor & Co» Pp)
Optima-Pharm LTD
Bakery Food Investment
Viterra Ukraine
LNZ Group
Calipso Invest Corp.
Suntrade Subsidiary Enterprise TM “Oleina”
Inter Edinstvo Holding
Company “Kryvyi Rig Cement”
“Puzata Hata” Restaurant network
URD Ukrainian Roads
SMK Group
Enzym Private Joint-Stock Company
Sense Bank
UMG Investments
PJSC «Ukrtransnafta»
Stolitsa Group
Hlibodar Trade mark
Manufacturing and Trading Lukas Company
Rodynna kovbaska Trade mark («Barkom» LLC)
Lasunka LLC
Continental Farmers Group
Kusto Agro LLC
Cygnet Holding LLC
VITAGRO Group of Company
“Uspekh” Agroindustrial corporation
UkrLandFarming PLC
A.G.R Group, Private agricultural holding
Agroton, Group of Company
«Agro Region» Company
HarvEast Holding
«Agrofusion» Group of companies
AgroGeneration Company
Additional liability company “Yatran”
PJSC “Zhytomyr Butter Plant” – Company “Rud”