In the process of implementing automation projects (especially if this automation involves several work areas, processes and tasks), the question of integrating a new system (SRM APS SMART) with systems or services already operating in the company’s IT contour often arises.

It is hardly necessary to tell a lot that integrated information / data helps in the business life of the company, optimizes resources and processes, simplifies the life of an ordinary user who does not need to alternately use several programs to perform his duties; All data is in the same system. The global task of integration is to build a unified information environment of the company.

In the portfolio of our team more than 30 successful integrations. We will tell you a little about how we are implementing the procurement management solution with integration with other systems or services.

After analyzing the company’s processes, we, as a Contractor, together with the Customer, decide what will be integrated and how. The customer may engage in the integration of his personnel (all the required documents and methods we provide), and may involve our specialists in this work.

For the integrated implementation of the project, we can offer Outsourcing of works and services, within which our specialists will write not only the required integration documentation for the Customer, but also the integration program code for information transfer.

One of the most important tasks at the preparatory stage for the technical implementation of integration is the development of an “integration map”. Actually, this document is the “integration roadmap”, where the data flows, directions, and systems and services integration fields are described in detail. The integration map can be either top-level or detailed. Its correct, high-quality and professional preparation is the key to the success of the whole integration process.

At the technical level, an integration solution is a fairly large set of tools. It includes an integration platform – the specialized APS INTEGRATION Module, which provides the integration of applications among themselves, as well as the means and methods of information integration.

With the help of the Integration Module, the following functions are performed:

  • Connecting to information systems, combining disparate information systems and tools into a single software business space;
  • Correctness of data processing (for example, correct routing, data update, format / data conversion);
  • Check for reliability, security and data integrity.


  • Access to web-services (Prozorro);
  • Transfer of information from / to any accounting system (SAP, 1C, MC Dynamics, etc.), including self-written ones;
  • Read / write information from other business systems and applications (WMS, BI, CRM, etc.)
  • Integration within the framework of SRM APS SMART allows you to transfer data on purchasing items, orders, payments to accounting systems, to receive information on warehouse balances and acceptance from / to WMS systems, data on suppliers in CRM, etc.

We operate with service-oriented approaches and proven methods in order to:

  • flexibility in customization;
  • ensuring a two-way data exchange process (master or slave);
  • receiving and transmitting information at any stage of the trading procedure.

As a result, our clients receive an integrated solution with any corporate system, combining micro-services for any tasks and cross-border opportunities for the operation of their business.