Benefits of implementation

Only better for your business and your work!

The APS SMART SRM system automates your management processes and ensures your business a high level of efficiency. Why should business owners, top managers, heads of purchasing units (SRO), finance and IT directors choose our software?

Because SRM APS SMART is:

Full automation of procurement management

  • Get procurement processes right and optimize the entire procurement lifecycle

Strategic planning
and analytics

  • Get accurate data analysis for real-time strategic decision-making

Supply Chain

  • Increase engagement with suppliers and reduce supply chain management risks

Maximized profitability

  • Optimize costs and maximize profitability through effective financial management

Security and integration

  • Guarantee data security and business process continuity with high-level integration

Main benefits of implementation

Cost reduction due to:

  • Cost reduction across competitive categories
  • Workflow automation
  • Increasing goods turnover and minimizing over stock and out stock

Reduced workflow time

  • Application campaign from 50%
  • Request for proposals for procurement at 90%
  • Conclusion of contracts by 70%

Improving process quality

  • Unified application campaign form for internal customers
  • Enhanced Supplier Qualification
  • 100% compliance with information: supply-bidding-contract

Benefits for target audiences

For company owners

Increased business

Company control and quick decision making

Technology and innovativeness of business

Supporting the company’s respectable market and social reputation

Transparency of business, evidence of facts to investors

  • Increasing efficiency and profitability through automation and business optimization.
  • Manageability of the company. Fast management decision making. Increased efficiency of management resources, acceleration of other business processes.
  • Minimizing costs. Costs are transparent, understandable with historical data.
  • Transparency of business, evidence and security before audits and investors.
  • Increasing competitiveness, stability and sustainability of business.
  • Effective and mutually beneficial work with counterparties and suppliers.
  • Online reporting and analytics of procurement of civil defense and regional divisions. Support for any organizational structure.
  • Simplification of control in supply chains, minimizing risks and reputational errors.
  • Maintaining a good market reputation, reputation control. Corporate and Social Responsibility (CSR). Personnel safety.
  • Supporting social, ethical and environmental standards (ESG). Supporting the development of the company as a business environment and part of society.
  • Manufacturability, innovation, cross-border..

For TOP management:

Improved financial and operational performance

procurement quality


of processes

of procedures

  • Improve overall operational efficiency through streamlined and automated activities. Acceleration of other production processes.
  • Procurement efficiency, savings in tenders, economies of scale in procurement due to consolidation of needs.
  • Full procurement cycle from procurement initiation to warehousing. Integrity of processes, control of procedures, deadlines.
  • Creation of an internal purchasing environment, synergy between departments for a common goal and company profit.
  • Management of interaction with external contractors and suppliers.
  • Aggregated data and analytics. Benchmarking internal and external.
  • Business transparency. Reducing time to make a decision.
  • Standardization of processes, compliance. Reducing operational risks.
  • KPI of departments, management, personnel.
  • Automation. Manufacturability. Modern level of business.

For Procurement Departments (СРО) и закупщиков

Quality of procurement processes


of KPIs

Operational efficiency and savings

Effective interaction with internal customers

  • High operational efficiency and time savings due to procurement automation.
  • Quality of procurement processes due to the unity of an intelligent procurement management system, database and document flow.
  • Intelligent automated tools for the current work of buyers. The speed of making work decisions, completing routine tasks, simplifying approvals and increasing the satisfaction of internal customers.
  • Standardized processes. Compliance with corporate policies, security standards and legal requirements.
  • Effective interaction with counterparties and internal customers.
  • Online analytics and reporting. Fast management decision making.
  • Increasing KPI. Justification of remuneration for purchasers.

Benefits for CFOs

Additional profit due to optimization of procurement, saving purchasing budgets

Increased ROI, return on invested capital, decreased payback period for investments in procurement and purchasing function

Increasing the return on invested resources in the purchasing function (ROSMA, CAPS)

Reduce operating and capital costs

Accelerating capital turnover rate

Online cost analytics by category, supplier, personnel KPI, spend coverage

Complince of
procurement procedures

Integration with accounting systems (ERP) of any systems class

  • Reducing operating and capital costs by optimizing procurement processes, reducing process management costs, and saving in tenders.
  • Strategic planning and forecasting of expenses, budget control, prevention of overspending. Automation of budget compliance with the procurement plan.
  • Transparency of procurement costs across the entire organizational structure of the company. Avoidance of unnecessary or excessive purchases (costs), control of warehouse balances.
  • Minimizing risks, errors associated with manual data entry, as well as compliance with corporate standards and regulations (complince).
  • Effective management of suppliers, analysis and assessment of relationships, monitoring compliance with contractual obligations, optimization of financial relations.
  • Automated document flow. Control and verification of payments.
  • Automated reporting. Strategic management of procurement costs, operational management of costs for key groups, simplification of category C management, ABC analysis.
  • Integration with accounting and financial systems, client-bank.

Procurement management automation system for IT directors

Compliance with qualification standards and regulations

Possibility to administer the system by the customer

Automation of all processes of the full procurement management cycle

Flexibility for customization and localization

Integration ability.

Data security.

  • Software compliance with qualification standards and regulations, proven by penetration tests.
  • Possibility of independent administration of the system by the customer; flexibility of settings.
  • The ability to host the system on the customer’s resources, as well as on the resources of third-party providers.
  • Ability to integrate all modules with third-party systems and services (ERP/ED/WMS/TMS/BI). API.
  • Flexible architecture. Support for combinatorics of microservices for any task.
  • Flexibility of the system for customization and localization. Cross-border application.

Benefits for Company Security Services:

Ensuring external and internal aspects of company security in procurement.

Risk management in working with counterparties, participation in qualification and selection of suppliers.

High security and confidentiality of commercial data.

Preventing unauthorized, corrupt or fraudulent activities

Compliance. Compliance with corporate and government requirements and laws

Remote control of civil defense for geographically distributed structures

Transparency and controllability of processes and actions

Adaptability of system settings in accordance with security requirements

  • Minimizing the risks of working with counterparties and suppliers thanks to pre-qualification tools, rating, monitoring and control of work, tracking the history of interaction. Support for interaction with counterparties: surveying suppliers, supplier “complaint window”.
  • Comprehensive assessment and audit of cooperation./span>
  • Verification of counterparty data. Integration with services for accessing public registries (opendatabot, you control, clarity project); tracking reference data in the APS business environment.
  • Minimization of operational and monetary risks. Automated risk indicators, control of the integrity and quality of purchases, monitoring of compliance of actual purchases with agreements.
  • Compliance. Monitoring compliance with legislative, corporate, contractual frameworks.
  • Transparency of actions and activities. Audit of compliance with correct work actions by staff, monitoring of conflicts of interest. Prevention of fraudulent, anti-legal, corruption activities; “evidence” before audits and inspections.
  • Security of commercial information. Maintaining the confidentiality of procedures thanks to flexible settings for the distribution of access to information; “closing” information at the level from the individual to the provider.
  • Remote control of the work of civil defense units in geographically distributed structures.
  • Overall security of the system – compliance with qualification standards and regulations, as proven by penetration tests.

Advantages for procurement of logistics transportation

Fast unified transportation procurement procedures

Generation of logistics documentation

Integration with

Improving the quality and efficiency of goods delivery processes

Control of delivery in accordance with obligations (timeliness, nomenclature)

  • Improving the quality and efficiency of supply processes through automation.
  • Increasing the speed of procurement of transportation due to simplified tender procedures.
  • Saving staff time due to unification of filling out logistics characteristics in tenders.
  • Minimizing errors thanks to automated uploading of procurement data from the application to the tender.
  • Tracking and control of deliveries using the Delivery Calendar, information on delivery status, stages of movement, dates.
  • Automatic generation of logistics documentation: TTN, tax invoice.
  • Integration with warehouse and transport accounting systems.
  • Database of transport companies and logistics operators.

SRM APS SMART is a strategic partner of your business that will help you rise to a new level of efficiency and competitiveness.
Implement SRM APS SMART and experience real benefits for your business!